Kayz On A Mission

Kayz series of missions in pursuit of Life, Love, and Happiness.

Fashion Mission 06/07/2011

Filed under: Fashion,Missions — Kay Wanderz @ 5:10 pm
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I hope you all had a lovely 4th of July weekend, because I know I sure did. As if you could not tell by my absence alone, I have been away for a week BBQing, swimming, and just enjoying some recreational fun on the beach with the friends. But now its back to business as we know it.

So I have been pondering what my next mission should be and it has taken me quite some time to pick one. You see I am always working on a series of projects and tasks, all which require a good amount of my attention. For instance, I recently signed up for Nike+ , which has been an awesome motivator for my running challenge. I have promised myself to run no less than 20 times for this month. I think that is a reasonable goal. Do you?

So my mission will be to design and sew an article of clothing. I have dabbled with sewing and I know how to make quite a few embellishments and rosettes, but I have only ever finished a few full pieces of clothing. I want to get back in the swing of sewing and create some really good pieces. One of the reasons being, that I do not really follow a lot of trends and prefer something original or timeless. My friends have always wondered where I get half of my clothes from, because they have not seen anyone else in it, or would not dare to try to pull it off themselves.

That being said, I bought a few books to help me with the basics of sewing. I mean how can you expect to get anywhere without knowing the basics and foundations of fashion. The plan is to make the basic piece and edit it from there. Like, raise the, hem, or add ruffles, rosettes, a different fabric, well you get the gist of it. I am thinking of making a dress. Lately I have been in the dress mood. Which is odd because I used to not be so crazy about skirts and dresses because that’s what I was forced to wear for a while when I was younger. Now my love for them is coming back and it’s hitting me hard. Everywhere I look I see skirts and dresses that I just have to stop and fawn over. Which is why I am on a mission to make either a skirt or just go all the way and make a dress. No worries though, I will keep you posted.


Lastly, I am almost done with my new Inspiration Collage and will be posting it shortly. Odd how creating it is helping me keep focused on my mission to finish up my BA and move to New York. The collage has helped to keep my inspiration and drive going. I’m really excited about it and how it is turning out. There are a few things that I kept from the old one, but also tons of new stuff, and it had to be bigger than the old one.  Because if you’re gonna dream, than you gotta dream big, right?!! 🙂

Racing to my dreams,
